From surveying and mapping to search and rescue efforts, drone technology is disrupting a host of industries. It begs the question: Is the entertainment industry next?
Large companies, such as Intel and Disney, have moved beyond drone entertainment as reality.
Drone racing and aerial acrobatic displays may be some of the earliest forms of drone entertainment. However, with Intel and Disney entering the fray, the entertainment bar may be rising -- literally.
In 2016, the companies revealed plans for a unique collaboration of a drone-based light show.
A flying light show...the beginnings
As one of the biggest tech companies in the world, it may come as no surprise that Intel developed its own UAV several years ago, dubbed the "Shooting Star".
The frame of the Shooting Star is very lightweight due to its Styrofoam and plastic construction. And, most significantly, each drone is outfitted with LED lights which can produce billions of color combinations. This light versatility means the drones can create any number of images and displays; it makes them far more versatile than traditional fireworks.
Prior to the collaboration with Disney Resorts, Intel showcased its drones in a private light in Krailling, Germany. The show featured over 500 drones in the air at the same time. It was Intel Corp’s proof of concept and its entrance into the burgeoning drone entertainment market.
Then came its collaboration with Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. The two companies worked together to create a spectacular light-show for the 2016 holidays. Entitled “Starbright Holidays – An Intel Collaboration”, the show took place at the Florida Resort location and was the public debut of Intel's Shoot Star Drones.
The display featured everything from simulations of fireworks to the creation of holiday themed images like Christmas trees and snowflakes. Both companies claimed it was the biggest such display of its kind in the United States.
Drones: a cheaper way to entertain?
Drone-based entertainment may prove a cheaper and more exciting option once the initial outlay of required hardware and software is invested.
Traditional firework displays cost about $10,000 for a small town show. And for larger events, such as Macy's Fourth of July show, the costs can soar to the millions of dollars.
Drone-based light displays provide a range of practical use cases including control by a single computer which cuts down on the manpower required to put on such a show. Another advantage is that, unlike firework displays, drones can be re-used over and over again.
Successful innovations multiply
As with any burgeoning innovation, drones as entertainment may also help research and development in other areas.
Though there are numerous companies working to develop new technologies, it helps when such a large company like Intel puts their resources behind funding such ground-breaking features. Eventually, such innovative advances also make their way to consumer grade drones once the technology becomes more affordable.
For example, in the past Intel manually pre-programmed each individual drone before it took to the skies. And when pre-programming involves hundreds of drones for just one show, it is simply not practical.
In order to address this inefficiency, Intel developed a software program and an algorithm that automatically determines each drones’ planned flight path.
The potential for this innovative software program and algorithm to benefit other drone applications, such as aerial photography, mapping or survey projects, is obvious.
Just the beginning?
Currently, Intel’s Shooting Star drone is not available for sale to the public. Intel does manufacture a commercial drone, the Falcon 8+, but the company may be keeping its shooting star drones to itself for now.
Only time will tell if shows like Intel and Disney’s UAV light show will gain momentum. However, it’s clear that particular event caused quite a stir. It is evident that unmanned aerial systems are becoming ever more versatile and for drones as entertainment this is just the beginning.
Solar panel fields, like any other artificial infrastructure objects, require periodical inspections. Usually photovoltaic (PV) solar panel field inspection requires use of two sensors - infrared (IR) and daylight cameras, to detect faulty panels. Solar panels may heat up because of connection issues, physical damage or debris.
A drone equipped with a thermal camera is the best choice for solar panel field inspection. This method saves costs compared to manned aviation and saves time compared to visual control with handheld IR camera.
Semi-professional drones with changeable cameras like DJI Inspireare an option. However, switching out cameras means flight time is doubled. The first is a survey flight conducted with a daylight camera. The flight is then repeated after changing to an IR camera. To minimize time required for inspection usually both sensors (cameras) are used simultaneously. Such a payload requires a drone with enough lift-off capability.
Detectable defects
The two major defects visible with IR camera are connection issues and physical damage.
Connection issues occur, for example, when a panel or a string of panels are not connected to the system. As a result, power produced from the panel(s) cannot flow through the system and on to the grid. That power is converted to heat and the entire panel(s) will heat up slightly.
Figure 1
For example, (see Figure 1) the panel marked Bx7 presents little bit higher average temperature comparing to other panels and should be checked for both - defects and connection issues.
Another detectable defect is physical damage to the underlying panel. This causes small areas of more extreme heating as power flows around and backs up behind the damaged area.
Such defects are visible on sample - bright point in rectangle marked Bx3 with maximum temperature 169.4 F (76.3 C). Also, physical damages are visible in other zones.
Both kind of defects usually are clearly visible on images in IR spectrum what makes defects localisation relatively easy even on stitched orthophoto.
Figure 2
In visible spectrum, (using daylight camera) usually only debris on panels is detected. This information, though, helps determine if the hotspot is the actual panel heating up or if it is the debris (dirt, bird droppings, etc) heating up.
Figure 3
Glass breaks are usually not detectable unless drone will fly very low as the cracks are small. Only in case of severe damage situations glass breaks will be visible on photos.
Solar Panel Field Inspection Mission Planning in UgCS
In general, solar panel field inspection missions with drones are planned the same way as standard UAV photogrammetry missions. The survey area is set and the route and camera settings are optimized to obtain the best result for data processing.
Figure 4
GSD selection
For photogrammetry, mission ground sampling distance (GSD) is defined by client and it is the main characteristic of survey’s output data.
In case of solar panel inspection client has to define which defects have to be detected. To detect panels with connection issues GSD for IR images should be set 25 cm. To detect physical damage or hotspots smaller than whole panel the GSD should be set from 5-16 cm.
For survey missions, when a drone carries IR and daylight cameras simultaneously, the GSD for daylight camera isn’t relevant. This is because it produces pictures with much better GSD than IR sensor because of the low resolution of thermal cameras. For example, an optical camera with a 16 mm lens to match the 7.5 mm FLIR lens will produce images with 1.3GSD while the FLIR images are at 15.7GSD.
For solar panel survey missions, when a drone with changeable cameras is used set GSD > 2 cm - this will enable to detect even small debris on panels but will not produce thousands of images from flight.
Camera position
Mostly camera are set to nadir position. In situations where a tracker system can't be positioned at a set angle or for some fixed array sites – based on the time of the day and sun position oblique setup can be used.
Optimal angle of solar panels for thermal images is from 5 to 30 degrees to avoid reflection and inaccurate temperatures. If such images can’t be acquired with nadir camera position, the camera angle has to be adjusted to ensure pictures of panels in range from 5 to 30 degree angle.
Data processing
Standard image data processing techniques can be used to stitch photos taken with daylight and IR cameras.
Figure 5
Orthophoto maps of relatively small solar panel fields can be analysed manually with different zoom level. To enable rapid evaluation for large fields with millions of panels automated defect detection should be used. Defected panels are marked and further inspections can be accomplished manually.
Figure 6
Without doubt the use of UAV for area surveying or infrastructure inspection saves on both time and cost. Drone mission planning features and tools of UgCS enable UAV professionals to customize each mission according to application requirements.
Find the right UgCS Mission Planner Software that is right for you at Unmanned Systems Source.
Article is written in collaboration with Industrial Aerobotics, Arizona-based company providing aerial inspection, surveying and mapping services using UAVs and reprinted with permission.
Drones have transformed a number of industries and services in addition to creating many new ones. The growth of drones is proof of how advancements in technology help perform certain tasks better and more efficiently.
Today, engineers are developing software that allows a swarm of drones to map areas affected by oil spills. Their work is inspired by the swarm and communication behavior of insects and birds.
However, given the very location of these disasters, surveying and mapping oil spills at sea or along coastlines is a difficult task. Accurately assessing the level of damage can be a tricky proposition. Researchers believe drones could provide a solution.
Just as ants converge in the thousands to find and carry food to their colony, engineers believe a swarm of low-cost drones could aid in the mapping of oil spills.
Swarms of Drones
Souma Chowdhury, an assistant professor of mechanical and Aerospace engineering at the University of Buffalo’s School of Engineering and Applied sciences, believes a swarm of drones for mapping applications is a possibility.
Chowdhury and his team are pioneering a program that directs a swarm of drones to map an oil spill quickly. Although, the engineer argues, nature may seem random, mathematical principles can help explain swarm behaviors. The key is identifying the right principles so humans can tap into swarm behavior to help solve a range of complex issues, including oil spills.
His team recently presented their vision in a paper at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Technology.
The study simulated the use of a swarm of five drones that mapped a kilometer long spill area. The drones completed this task in less than ten minutes -- which is significantly faster than traditional oil spill-mapping methods currently in use. Plus, swarm mapping drones could provide other benefits.
More efficient means
Mapping oil spills via drone swarms creates efficiency in a number of way. First, a drone swarm's programmed flight pattern avoids areas previously mapped. In addition, drones are programmed to record whether they are over water or oil as well as assume that any space around the spill is also oil. All the while, information is shared among the swarm, in contrast to sharing images or video, thereby using less bandwidth and improving efficiency.
Drones also have the ability to take off and land from a boat and return autonomously when their batteries are low. The UAVs deploying to replace returning drones have the data they need to continue the mapping mission. This shared information is another trait borrowed from the animal kingdom, with the engineers stating that communication is the basis of any swarm.
Remarkably, if drone mapping proves feasible, it requires no human intervention throughout the whole process. Thus, oil spill mapping can take place quickly, even in treacherous conditions.
Low-cost, hi-tech solutions
Chowdhury’s approach tackles a complex problem using simple UAV technology. The engineers used low cost drones outfitted with $35 Raspberry Pi computers, oil spill-mapping software, and affordable cameras.
As far avoiding collisions in flight, Chowdhury looked to nature for inspiration. Researchers at the University of Queensland observed that parrots avoided collisions simply by veering to the right when flying. The engineers seek to implement this principle. The plan is to program drones to turn at a right angle if they sense another is too close.
This developing technology has wider applications for a variety of tasks. In the future, swarms of drones will quickly map forested areas or natural disasters unreachable by humans. Chowdhury’s swarms of smart drones could prove one of the most innovative and important uses of drone technology to date.
Pollinating Drones: Could Miniature UAVs save the World from Falling Bee Numbers? A number of scientists and drone developers are considering just that scenario.
For several years, scientist around the world have sounded the alarm over falling bee population numbers. Given their importance in the pollination of plants and crops, this is a cause for concern.
Scientists speculate that factors such as human activity and climate change have contributed to the steady decrease in pollinators.
But now researchers are proposing a radical new concept to tackle the troubling issue; tiny miniature drones as pollinators. Most of the world’s food supply comes from plants that require pollination. So, artificial pollinators may turn out to be an innovative and very important solution to securing it.
Swarms of tiny Drones to act as Pollinators
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says that over 70% of the crops we rely on for food depend on insect pollination. Other studies have found almost 40% of pollinators like bees and butterflies are at risk of extinction.
To compound matters, as recently as last year, a massive chunk of commercial bee populations mysteriously died out. All this adds to concern about plant survival.
According to a team of scientists from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan this is where drones as pollinators could help. The researchers, given the worrying collapse of global bee numbers, envision a future where drones help pollinate plant flowers.
As part of their research the scientists purchased an off the shelf UAV. The drone was outfitted with horsehair brush strips laced with ionic gel to mimic pollination by insects.
The goal was to pollinate a species of flowers using the souped up quad-copter as a bee replacement. The scientists soon discovered they could maneuver the hummingbird-sized drone to allow the bristles to gently collect pollen.
In this case, the drone successfully pollinated the wild Japanese lilies used in the trial. Thus, raising the prospect of swarms of drones working in fields to fertilize plants and crops i the future.
Ionic gel
An ionic gel turned out to be the key to the trial's success. The ionic gel is a sticky substance with a long-lasting , lift-and-stick-again quality. Researchers placed the gel on the drone's horsehair's brush strips.
Initially, the gel was developed by the research team’s lead chemist Eijiro Miyako for use on electrical components. However, it ended up finding its best-case use on the drone ‘bee’. For eight years, Miyako’s ionic gel had gone unused; the team was surprised at how well it retained its viscosity and resisted degradation.
This led to the researchers trialing the gel as their carrier for pollen and leading to the materials’ successful use on the artificial pollination drone.
Hope for Farmers and Environmentalists
The findings give hope to scientists and farmers across the world concerned about falling insect numbers and the possibility of crops failing should we fail to arrest the decline.
While it may seem impractical to have mechanical devices working as pollinators, the idea is not completely far-fetched. Advances in drone technology mean that it is possible to control a number of UAVs from one interface. In many cases it is possible to control them remotely through an autonomous program.
Currently, drones are available in a range of sizes. Advances towards miniature drones is not too far off either.
The results of the research could also have potential implications for both robotics as well as agriculture. The research team believes that through a combination of artificial intelligence and GPS data, these artificial pollinators could "learn" pollination paths.
Most crucial UAV development?
Innovative technology such as drones has always had a profound effect on the way we live and this may prove to be one of the most crucial UAV developments to date with regards to agriculture.
It is therefore possible that large swarms of drones deployed in the environment could eventually help to arrest the issues caused by falling bee populations.
Whether drones as pollinators are ever used to help secure the world’s food sources remains to be seen, but for worried farmers and environmentalists, it is a positive development.
UAS vendors targeting markets from commercial survey to agriculture are fielding systems with real-time kinematic GNSS (RTK) capability.
In principle, RTK promises accuracies at the 1-3cm level. The main purpose is to minimize or eliminate the need for ground control points, thereby reducing cost.
Altavian uses GNSS receivers upgradeable to RTK operation, but favors another approach for this level of accuracy: post-processed kinematic (PPK). There are a couple of reasons why:
RTK requires a GNSS base station equipped with a transmitter with a reliable link to a fairly dynamic moving platform.
The rover (on the UAS) itself requires a dedicated receiver for the corrections.
These primary reasons carry some further implications for the cost of deployment, especially when considered against PPK.
RTK operations not only require a stationary base station, but it must be located at a known control point. Provided the base station is deployed for long enough periods of time, this is not too much of a problem.
The base station’s precise location can be determined post-mission if no control points are already present. In this case, a global shift of the aircraft’s trajectory must be done once the position of the base station is determined, taking away some of the benefits of a ‘real-time’ solution.
PPK requires a base station as well. But in many cases, at least in the Eastern US, the public CORS network may be dense enough to provide a base station reasonably close to your project. But, it’s likely you will need a base station of your own. This represents slightly less investment in an over-the-air link to the rover. However, it comes with the possibility of loss-of-lock.
Losing Lock
In both RTK and PPK, when the rover loses lock, a new integer ambiguity resolution procedure must be initiated.
The advantage of PPK is that the search can proceed from previous and future data relative to that instant. Additionally, forward and reverse solutions in PPK are optimally combined and give an estimate of a solution’s consistency.
RTK solutions cannot use data that has not yet been recorded. If you want to eliminate ground control points and you chose an RTK system, there is no external information for basing accuracy estimates.
Finally, it is worth noting that antennas light enough to be mounted on a small UAS are not geodetic-grade and are not likely calibrated for phase-center variation (PCV), let alone the actual location of the phase center. This means that you might get a reported solution accuracy of 2cm, but it could easily be very misleading.
With a PPK solution, at least you can see if the forward and reverse solutions agree within certain bounds (and we acknowledge this is a very limited vote of confidence for any kinematic solution, but it’s better than nothing).
Ultimately, there is no replacement for real ground truth, especially if your data product must be certified to a specific level of accuracy. However, strategies to minimize the requirements on GCPs can vary widely in their effectiveness, depending on your needs.
If positional accuracies of a few decimeters are acceptable, real-time L-band corrections through a subscription service such as TerraStar-D are very attractive alternatives that require no base stations at all.
You can find and shop Altavian's line of solutions at Unmanned Systems Source.
New and emerging technologies tend to enhance existing industries and services. In addition, emerging technologies also help create new industries and services.
Unmanned aerial vehicles are one of the biggest trends due in part to their potential use across a range of service and industry applications.
One such emerging application is coastline monitoring.
Drones help fight the tide
There are many reasons why coastlines are under threat but climate change is widely seen as one of the biggest causes of beach erosion. A number of companies are starting to use drone technology for many coastal monitoring applications.
The issue of protecting coastlines is a critical one in many countries across the globe. In the UK alone, over a million residential and commercial properties, as well as thousands of hectares in agricultural land lie within areas that are at the mercy of unpredictable changes.
Undertaking coastal protection studies requires careful monitoring of any changes that occur. The most efficient solutions for arresting and reversing erosion of coastlines also requires an understanding of existing environmental factors and their effect on the affected beaches. Monitoring thousands of miles of coastline, though, is a tough ask especially in an era of dwindling financial resources.
Effective solutions are gleaned through careful consideration of the above factors combined with any available historical knowledge and data. In effect, this is where emerging technologies like unmanned aerial vehicles come in.
Coastal monitoring drones
Drones are quickly becoming an invaluable tool to both monitor and help maintain the health of coastlines around the world. UAVs provide many advantages for this application.
One such advantage is a drone's ability to cover increasingly large distances in a single flight. Plus, when outfitted with the right equipment, drones can capture highly detailed images and footage. The data harvested on these mission can, in turn, help inform decision making.
An additional advantage of using UAVs for coastline monitoring is the elimination of any human risk. For example, drones can quickly conduct an initial survey to assess damage after large storm events.
UAVs can also monitor potentially dangerous situations, such as the stability of cliffs, from a safe distance. Additionally, UAVs can keep track of beach erosion by measuring land volume and capture changes in coastal vegetation states.
Matching the drone to the environment
One company, QuestUAV, is demonstrating how new technologies can help tackle serious issues like environmental degradation. Their coastal monitoring work has helped local communities slowly reclaim lost beaches and coastlines.
The harsh environment of the North Sea seemed a fitting place to test the feasibility and durability of drones for coastal monitoring.
Wind speeds on the North-Eastern shores of the North Sea frequently reach up to 65 mph. Quest’s UAV platform features an airframe design with gimballed sensors and high spatial accuracy to ensure good data quality even in the difficult conditions. Plus, its use of Post Processing Kinematic (PPK) technology allows for detailed survey mapping.
PPK technology allows the mapping of coastal areas with up to 2cm spatial accuracy without relying on Ground Control points. Given the difficulty in placing ground control points in landscapes such as coastal dunes and cliffs, PPK technology provides a faster and more economic way to achieve great results.
Read about when and why our partner, Altavian, chooses to use PPK over RTK.
Surveying remote and challenging environments
In addition to coastline monitoring, the company conducted geological rock and cliff surveys, monitored sea color changes, and inspected breakwaters. They've also monitored industrial applications based in remote environments such as mining sites and power stations.
The company has kept track of the Northumberland Coast in the U.K. since 2008. In that time the area has suffered two major storms; one at the end of 2013 and another in the first month of 2017.
In the aftermath of the most recent storms, QuestUAV deployed so as to immediately assess the damage. The information gathered is used in conjunction with historical data, satellite imagery and models created in 3-D to ensure an accurate compilation of current conditions.
The future of coastal monitoring
Most experts agree that climate change is one of the biggest challenges to face mankind in recent memory. Beach erosion is one of the symptoms of the phenomenon. The use of drone technology can go a long way in the effort to help protect beaches and coasts around the world from being claimed by the sea.