By the end of the year, several airports are expected to offer automated authorization for drone operators in controlled airspace. The rest of the nation’s airports will follow suit in 2018.
If successful, these automated authorizations will remove a significant barrier to the rapid expansion of commercial UAS operations.
Today, flights in controlled airspace, at certain times of day, or near sensitive locations require authorization from the FAA. Authorization requests can take up to 90 days and require labor-intensive manual approvals.
Today in
Class G airspace, drone operations for real estate photography, building inspections, and agricultural monitoring are fairly commonplace. But if a commercial drone flight needs to occur in controlled airspace, drone pilots must wait up to 90 days to receive permission to fly from the FAA.
To address this challenge, the FAA reached out to a handful of companies. The goal? Help the FAA provide automated authorizations for safer and more efficient drone operations at scale.
Automated FAA Authorizations via LAANC
Called the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC), the initiative allows drone operators to apply for digital authorization using applications already used for flight planning and in-flight situational awareness.
With automated authorization, drone operators will receive instant, digital approval to fly in much of our nation’s controlled airspace.
The start of LAANC began earlier this summer with the FAA’s release of UAS facility maps. These maps depicted specific areas and altitudes near 300+ airports where drone operators could request airspace authorization more effectively and efficiently.
AirMap, and the other LAANC partners, received this raw data and in turn translated it into a dynamic, digital map. Using tools like AirMap’s mobile app, drone operators can enter the details of their flight with just a few taps. In pre-approved flight areas, operators receive instant flight authorization.
Next Phase of LAANC
Now, 50 of the nation’s airports are prepared to provide LAANC authorization by the end of the year. This trial expansion offers a sneak peek at how Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) will work in the U.S. It also shows how companies, like AirMap, are helping make UTM possible for the commercial drone industry at scale.
The introduction of LAANC is a significant step. LAANC represents the first step in the implementation of UTM, the federated technological infrastructure that will facilitate data exchange and air traffic control for drones.
LAANC also demonstrates that the FAA can successfully embrace innovation and work with private sector providers to open more airspace to commercial drone operations.
When human approval is still required for flight, LAANC may cut wait times to as short as two weeks. If the flight needs review, the controller can assess and approve the flight via an easy-to-use dashboard provided by the LAANC provider.
Review the full list of
airports to offer LAANC.